
Groskop Viv - The Anna Karenina Fix

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Автор: Groskop Viv
Название: The Anna Karenina Fix
Жанр: Критика
Издательский дом: Fig Tree
Год издания: 2017
Viv Groskop has discovered the meaning of life in Russian literature. As she knows from personal experience, everything that has ever happened in life has already happened in these novels: from not being sure what to do with your life () to being in love with someone who doesn’t love you back enough ( by Turgenev) or being socially anxious about your appearance (all of Chekhov’s work). This is a literary self-help memoir, with examples from the author’s own life that reflect the lessons of literature, only in a much less poetic way than Tolstoy probably intended, and with an emphasis on being excessively paranoid about having an emerging moustache on your upper lip, just like Natasha in .


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Groskop Viv
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