
Клима Иван - Lovers for a Day

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Автор: Клима Иван
Название: Lovers for a Day
Жанр: Современная проза
Издательский дом: Granta Books
Год издания: 2000
Ranging over nearly three decades, the stories collected in Ivan Klíma's offer a fine cross section of the Czech writer's career. Yet the book also traces the misunderstandings and frustrations, the hopes and disenchantments of an entire nation-where, ironically enough, Klíma's creations were banned until the mid-1990s. How does this fictional barometer work? The earlier tales, which tend toward dissections of private life, seldom mention the Communist regime-yet their protagonists are so thoroughly warped by political circumstance that even love becomes an avatar of control and constraint. In the later, post-perestroika stories, Klíma's characters explore ...


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Клима Иван
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