
Манкелль Хеннинг - Chronicler Of The Winds

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Автор: Манкелль Хеннинг
Название: Chronicler Of The Winds
Жанр: Детективы: прочее
"Nelio is dead. And however unlikely it may sound, it seemed to me that he died without once being afraid. How can that be possible?"-from Chronicler of the WindsWorld famous for his Kurt Wallander mysteries, Henning Mankell has been published in thirty-five countries, with more than 25 million copies of his books in print. In Chronicler of the Winds, he gives us something different: a beautifully crafted novel that is a testament to the power of storytelling itself. On the rooftop of a theater in an African port, a ten-year-old boy lies slowly dying of bullet wounds. ...


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Манкелль Хеннинг
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