
Оз Амос - Dont Call It Night

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Автор: Оз Амос
Название: Dont Call It Night
Жанр: Современная проза
Издательский дом: Mariner Books
Год издания: 1997
A Notable Book of the Year“A rich symphony of humanity. . If Oz’s eye for detail is enviable, it is his magnanimity which raises him to the first rank of world authors.” — (UK)At Tel-Kedar, a settlement in the Negev desert, the longtime love affair between Theo, a sixty-year-old civil engineer, and Noa, a young schoolteacher, is slowly disintegrating. When a pupil dies under difficult circumstances, the couple and the entire town are thrown into turmoil. Amos Oz explores with brilliant insight the possibilities — and limits — of love and tolerance.“Vivid, convincing, and haunting.” —


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Оз Амос
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