
Садулаев Герман - The Maya Pill

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Автор: Садулаев Герман
Название: The Maya Pill
Жанр: Сатира
Издательский дом: Dalkey Archive Press
Год издания: 2013
In the traditions of Victor Pelevin and Vladimir Sorokin, German Sadulaev’s follow-up to his acclaimed is set in a twenty-first century Russia, phantasmagorical and violent.A bitingly funny twenty-first century satire, tells the story of a mid-level manager at a frozen-food import company who comes upon a box of psychotropic pills that’s accidentally been slipped into a shipment. He takes one, and disappears down the rabbit hole: entering the mind of a Chinese colleague; dreaming that he is one of the rulers of an ancient kingdom; even beleiving he is in negotiations with the devil.A mind-expanding companion to the great Russian classics, is strange, savage, bizarre, and uproarious.


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Садулаев Герман
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