
Saliba George - Islamic Science and the Making of the European Renaissance

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Автор: Saliba George
Название: Islamic Science and the Making of the European Renaissance
Жанр: Культурология
Издательский дом: MIT Press
Год издания: 2007
The Islamic scientific tradition has been described many times in accounts of Islamic civilization and general histories of science, with most authors tracing its beginnings to the appropriation of ideas from other ancient civilizations—the Greeks in particular. In this thought-provoking and original book, George Saliba argues that, contrary to the generally accepted view, the foundations of Islamic scientific thought were laid well before Greek sources were formally translated into Arabic in the ninth century. Drawing on an account by the tenth-century intellectual historian Ibn al-Nadīm that is ignored by most modern scholars, Saliba suggests that early translations ...


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Saliba George
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Islamic Science and the Making of the European Renaissance