
Северин Тим - Corsair

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Автор: Северин Тим
Название: Corsair
Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
Издательский дом: Macmillan Publishers UK
Год издания: 2009
1677, on a late summer’s evening two ships lurk off the coast of southwest Ireland. They are Barbary corsairs from North Africa, slave catchers. As soon as it is dark, their landing parties row ashore to raid a small fishing village - on the hunt for fresh prey . . . In the village, seventeen-year-old Hector Lynch wakes to the sound of a pistol shot. Moments later he and his sister Elizabeth are taken prisoner. From then on Hector’s life plunges into a turbulent and lawless world that is full of surprises. Separated from Elizabeth, he is sold to the slave ...


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Северин Тим
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