
Yanagino Kanata - The Boy in the City of the Dead

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Автор: Yanagino Kanata
Название: The Boy in the City of the Dead
Жанр: Фэнтези
Издательский дом: J-Novel Club
Год издания: 2017
In a city of the dead, long since ruined and far from human civilization, lives a single human child. His name is Will, and he's being raised by three undead: the hearty skeletal warrior, Blood; the graceful mummified priestess, Mary; and the crotchety spectral sorcerer, Gus. The three pour love into the boy, and teach him all they know. But one day, Will starts to wonder: "Who am I?"Will must unravel the mysteries of this faraway dead man's land, and unearth the secret pasts of the undead. He must learn the love and mercy of the good ...


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Yanagino Kanata
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