
Rosales Guillermo - Leapfrog and Other Stories

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Автор: Rosales Guillermo
Название: Leapfrog and Other Stories
Жанр: Современная проза
Издательский дом: New Directions
Год издания: 2013
Leapfrog depicts one summer in the life of a very poor young boy in post-revolutionary Havana in the late 50s. He has superhero fantasies, hangs around with the neighborhood kids, smokes cigarettes, tells very lame jokes: By the way, do you know who died? No. Someone who was alive. Laughter. The kids fight, discuss the mysteries of religion and sex, and play games such as leapfrog. So vivid and so very credible, Leapfrog reads as if Rosales had simply transcribed everything that he d heard or said for this one moving and touching book about a lost childhood....


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Rosales Guillermo
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