
Rosales Guillermo - The Halfway House

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Автор: Rosales Guillermo
Название: The Halfway House
Жанр: Современная проза
Издательский дом: New Directions
Год издания: 2009
Never before available in English, is a trip to the darkest corners of the human condition. Humiliations, filth, stench, and physical abuse comprise the asphyxiating atmosphere of a halfway house for indigents in Miami where, in a shaken mental state, the writer William Figueras lives after his exile from Cuba. He claims to have gone crazy after the Cuban government judged his first novel “morose, pornographic, and also irreverent, because it dealt harshly with the Communist Party,” and prohibited its publication. By the time he arrives in Miami twenty years later, he is a “toothless, skinny, frightened guy who ...


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Rosales Guillermo
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The Halfway House