
Tesson Sylvain - Consolations of the Forest

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Автор: Tesson Sylvain
Название: Consolations of the Forest
Жанр: Путешествия и география
Издательский дом: Allen Lane
Год издания: 2013
In , Sylvain Tesson explains how he found a radical solution to his need for freedom, one as ancient as the experiences of the hermits of old Russia: he decided to lock himself alone in a cabin in the middle taiga, on the shores of Baikal, for six months. From February to July 2010, he lived in silence, solitude, and cold. His cabin, built by Soviet geologists in the Brezhnev years, is a cube of logs three meters by three meters, heated by a cast iron skillet, six-day walk from the nearest village and hundreds of miles of track.To ...


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Tesson Sylvain
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Consolations of the Forest